3 Reasons Why “Forever Alone” Just Isn’t Working

It seems like in this day and age if you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend you’re doomed to be “forever alone.” People, particularly young people, say it all the time. If they aren’t in a relationship then they’re automatically bound to end up as single recluses for the rest of their life. Seriously? You cannot possibly determine your future based off the fact that as a 16 year old you aren’t in a relationship. I realize to most people it’s just a catchy saying and usually is a hidden request for sympathy, but I’m about to tell you why “forever alone” just isn’t working.
     1. What kind of person would want to date someone who is constantly feeling sorry for themselves? Definitely not a respectable one! If you always feel sorry for yourself and openly act like you don’t deserve to be in a relationship then eventually someone is going to swoop in and “rescue” you. They’ll think they’re doing you a huge favor by dating you and that now you owe them something- don’t get in that situation. Be confident. Nothing is more attractive than confidence.

2. Don’t let being in a relationship determine your worth. I dont care if you’re 14 or 35. You can still live a full and complete life without being in a relationship. I know that everyone desires companionship but sometimes God has other plans. What if instead of determining that your life is a waste if you aren’t married, you focus your time on a career or on something you’re passionate about. You can still be happy.

3. You have to respect yourself. Building on the first reason a little bit here- you can’t expect someone else to respect you if you don’t respect yourself. Someone is only worth as much as they believe they are worth. If you think you’re doomed to be forever alone then odds are everyone else is thinking it too. Like I said – nothing is more attractive than confidence!

15 Things Our Kids Will Think Are Stupid

1. YOLO/ Swag/ Swerve. “Swerve? Swerve out of the way of what?” – Our children

2. Keep Calm and X. They don’t exactly make sense, but hey, they’re catchy!

3. The High, Black, Nike Socks That Sportsy People Wear With Sandals. I don’t know who brought back socks with sandals, but let me just say- NO!

4. Loafers. I don’t know how they even came back into style.

5. Cell phones. We’ll probably just have chips in our heads or something.

6. Dubstep. “Wait you just listened to a bunch of beats in sequences? Without words?” – Our children

7. The cinnamon challenge. Our kids will think we lived in the stone age and that we were just desperate for entertainment.

8. Silly bands. Strands of rubber formed to make shapes of animals and whatnot. Yep, this is most definitely the technology age.

9. Planking. “You did what now?”

10. Pillow pets. “It’s a pillow. It’s a pet. It’s a pillow pet!”

11. Dreads. I’m sure there will be plenty of people hiding pictures of themselves from their dread days.

12. Boy Bands. Anyone under the age of twenty ever heard of Hanson? Exactly. Believe it or not 1D will eventually turn into Hanson.

13. The “Vintage” Fashion Era. I’m afraid one day we’re all going to look back and regret going through our grandmother’s closets.

14. TOM’S. No, of course they weren’t comfortable, but they were cute and you could get them in every shade of SPARKLE!

15. Snuggies. No wait, never mind, those are already stupid. 😉


10 Things Teens Do That Were Probably Intended For Children

1. Use Coloring Books and Crayons. If you don’t think crayons are awesome-You’re wrong.

2. Silly Bands. Not so much anymore but back in 2010 it was like the bomb.com

3. Obsess over Disney Movies. “Let it go! Let it go! Not holding back anymore!”

4. Pig Tails. I’ve seen a bunch of teenage girls wearing their hair in pig tails lately. Not my personal favorite fad, but it works on some people.

5. Call our Parents Mommy and Daddy …Or is that just me?

6. Watch Cartoons. Seriously, Spongebob is the best.

7. Stuffed Animals. I think we get more sentimental when we become teenagers because I refuse to get rid of my old stuffed animals.

8. Love McDonalds. But mostly just because it’s cheap and we’re all broke.

9. Pillow Pets. I remember when they first came out I was elementary aged and one of my teenage cousins bought one. I thought she was crazy back then. lol

10. Play on playgrounds. I take the “12 and under” sign more as a suggestion.